
  • 2019 "Perceiving Academy 648". E.KA.TE, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • 2018 "Perceiving Academy". Participants of PERCEIVING ACADEMY, CYPRUS walk a 2.5km loop in Nicosia, Cyprus. The loop moves through two checkpoints in the UN occupied buffer zone, connecting both sides of the divided city. E.KA.TE, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • 2014 "The Haptic City Moscow". Act of reading a city map into a sensorial experience designed by the public through tactile exploration and sound. Moscow, Russia
  • 2014 "Culture Shift Russia: Digital Emulsion" workshop of British Council, FutureEverything and Nikola-Lenivets art park. Nikola-Lenivets, Russia
  • 2014 Zachary Lieberman — "Connecting Light" workshop at Nikola-Lenivets art park altered visitors’ perceptions of the night landscape and led them on a journey across several miles of glades, forest and valley. Nikola-Lenivets, Russia